The Fundamentals of VAT: A guide for Irish Businesses
Understanding VAT returns is crucial for Irish businesses to ensure compliance, avoid penalties, and maintain financial health.
By David BarryVAT Thresholds
- €40,000 for businesses supplying services only
- €80,000 for businesses supplying goods
VAT Registration Number and Registering for VAT
- Completing the TR1 (sole traders, partnerships) or TR2 (companies) form
- Providing details of business activities, expected turnover, and bank account information
- Submitting the form to Revenue for processing
Input VAT vs. Output VAT
- Input VAT: The VAT a business pays on its purchases and expenses. This can be reclaimed through the VAT return.
- Output VAT: The VAT a business charges on its sales. This must be declared and paid to the Revenue Commissioners.
The Importance of VAT Invoices
- Date of issue
- Unique invoice number
- Supplier's name, address, and VAT registration number
- Customer's name and address
- Description of the goods or services supplied
- Total amount excluding VAT
- VAT rate applied and the total VAT amount
- Total amount including VAT
VAT Rates in Ireland
- Standard Rate: 23% - Applies to most goods and services.
- Reduced Rate: 13.5% - Applies to certain goods and services and building services.
- Second Reduced Rate: 9% - Applies to items including newspapers, certain printed materials, and admissions to cinemas, theatres, and other cultural events. Also applies to electricity and gas.
- Super Reduced Rate: 4.8% - Applies specifically to the supply of livestock and greyhounds.
- Zero Rate: 0% - Applies to certain goods and services, such as most food items, children’s clothing and footwear, and certain medical supplies and services.
Filing VAT Returns
Role of the Revenue Commissioners
Using the Revenue Online Service (ROS)
- Register for ROS: If you haven't already, register your business with ROS to get a secure login.
- Log in to ROS: Use your credentials to access your account.
- Select 'VAT' from the Tax Summary Screen: Navigate to the VAT section.
- Complete the VAT3 Return: Enter the required details, including total sales, purchases, and the VAT amounts.
- Submit the Return: Review your entries and submit the return before the due date.
- Make a Payment: Pay any VAT due using the ROS payment options.
Reverse Charge Mechanism
- Supplies of goods and services from non-resident suppliers
- Certain construction services
- Supplies of mobile phones, computer chips, and other specified goods
Ensuring VAT Compliance
- Accurate Record-Keeping: Maintain detailed records of all sales and purchases. This includes keeping copies of VAT invoices, receipts, and relevant correspondence.
- Timely Filing and Payments: Submit VAT returns and make payments on time to avoid penalties. VAT returns are generally filed on a bi-monthly basis, but businesses can also apply for annual VAT returns if they meet certain criteria.
- Regular Reviews: Periodically review VAT procedures to ensure they meet current regulations. This includes staying informed about changes in VAT laws and rates.
- Professional Advice: Consider consulting with a tax professional to navigate complex VAT issues. Tax advisors can provide tailored advice and help address specific VAT challenges.
- Late Filing Penalties
- Late Payment Penalties
- Understatement of VAT Liability - If a business understates its VAT liability, either intentionally or due to negligence, it can face additional penalties.
- Failure to Register for VAT
- Incorrect VAT Returns
VAT Schemes
Outsourcing VAT Returns
Frequently Asked Questions
If a business's turnover exceeds €80,000 (for businesses supplying goods) or €40,000 (for businesses supplying services only) it must register for VAT.
Budget 2025 announced a change to the VAT thresholds. For those selling products the new cut off point is €85,000 and for those delivering services it is €42,500. The new thresholds come into effect from 01 January 2025.
A VAT Registration Number is mandatory for businesses exceeding the VAT threshold. It uniquely identifies a business for VAT purposes and must be included on all VAT invoices and returns. To obtain a VAT Registration Number, businesses need to apply through Revenue and provide necessary details about their operations.
You need to charge your customers a different rate of VAT depending on that you are selling. The standard rate of VAT is 23% but there are reduced rates for certain goods and services.
- Reduced Rate of 13.5% applies to certain goods and services and building services.
- Second Reduced Rate of 9% applies to items including newspapers, certain printed materials, and admissions to cinemas, theatres, and other cultural events. Also applies to electricity and gas.
- Super Reduced Rate of 4.8% applies specifically to the supply of livestock and greyhounds.
- Zero Rate applies to certain goods and services, such as most food items, children’s clothing and footwear, and certain medical supplies and services.
There are also certain services are exempt from VAT, such as financial, educational, and medical services.
A VAT invoice should include the following details:
- Date of issue
- Unique invoice number
- Supplier's name, address, and VAT registration number
- Customer's name and address
- Description of the goods or services supplied
- Total amount excluding VAT
- VAT rate applied and the total VAT amount
- Total amount including VAT
Date published 27 Jun 2024 | Last updated 2 Oct 2024
This article is intended to inform rather than advise and is based on legislation and practice at the time. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary and if you feel that the information provided is beneficial it is important that you contact us before implementation. If you take, or do not take action as a result of reading this article, before receiving our written endorsement, we will accept no responsibility for any financial loss incurred.
David Barry
David Barry is a Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA) with the Irish Tax Institute. David trained in Ernst & Young and is a highly experienced tax advisor. He has significant experience in accounts, tax returns and advising clients in the SME sector. He also has a particular interest in the importance of succession planning for businesses.
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