ISME unveils adverse weather guide for small firms
ISME unveils adverse weather guide for small firms
ISME unveils adverse weather guide for small firms
The Irish SME Association (ISME) is reaching out to all small businesses regarding the prospect for severe wintry weather conditions in the coming weeks, urging them to take a proactive approach to minimising employee and customer disruption.
Met Eireann has warned that plummeting temperatures could last for several weeks as the ‘Beast from the East 2’ makes its way across the UK and Ireland from mainland Europe.
Last year, Ireland received some of its heaviest snowfall in recent memory, resulting in considerable disruption to small businesses across the country.
Subsequently, ISME is calling on small business owners to consider implementing contingency plans for severe weather conditions, removing ambiguity for employees in the event of a Red Weather Alert.
ISME wants small businesses to consider the impact of severe winter weather on their business premises. Checks should be made to ensure they are prepared to withstand significant volumes of snow and water and that all access points are safe and waste water drains are cleared.
Business owners are recommended to be clear on the process of deciding whether or not it is necessary to close their business, and how this decision will be communicated to employees.
Employers must also consider whether their staff have the capability to work remotely from home in such an event.
If business owners decide not to close their premises, ISME implores them to conduct a full risk assessment based on the day-to-day activities of staff members. That’s because employers have a duty of care for all employees as part of the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005.
In the event employees do arrive for work, employers should remain vigilant regarding worsening weather conditions and any amendments or cancellations to public transport services throughout the day.
Business owners should also consider suppliers and their customers as part of their adverse weather preparations. Supply chains and stock levels should be reviewed, and businesses should ensure contingency funds are in place to account for a fall in income.
The unpredictability of Mother Nature means that small businesses need to be agile and proactive with their contingency planning to limit the impact on employees and customers when the cold bites.
Date published 25 Jan 2019 | Last updated 25 Jan 2019
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