Our coronavirus knowledge hub has been designed to guide you through what support is available for your business as well as the latest news that may affect you.
TaxAssist Accountants are here to help our clients through this difficult period so please feel free to contact us with any queries that you may have in respect of the schemes/supports available.
Our coronavirus knowledge hub has been designed to guide you through what support is available for your business as well as the latest news that may affect you.

We've got you covered
Tax Debt Warehousing: Deadline Extended
Businesses will not have to clear their warehoused debt until 01 May 2024.
Find out moreGovernment announces further enhanced supports for Covid hit businesse...
Changes made to EWSS, CRSS and Tax Debt Warehousing
Find out moreCurrent COVID-19 Supports to be extended following introduction of new...
Plans for new scheme dropped as Government decides to stick with EWSS and CRSS schemes to support affected businesses
Find out moreTargeted support for the hospitality sector announced
Due to the new public health restrictions imposed on the hospitality sector new supports have been announced.
Find out moreGuide to the BRSS
A comprehensive guide to the Business Resumption Support Scheme (BRSS).
Find out moreChanges to the CRSS
Following the postponement of indoor dining the Government have announced some changes to the COVID-19 Restrictions Support Scheme
Find out moreSBASC open for a second round of applications
The Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (SBASC) is now open for a second round of applications
Find out moreEconomic Recovery Plan - what businesses need to know
Today the government announced an Economic Recovery Plan, here are the key points for businesses:
Find out moreTax Debt Warehousing and Company Directors
Directors cannot claim a PAYE deduction if their company is availing of Tax Debt Warehousing for payroll taxes
Find out moreOutdoor Dining Enhancement Scheme Revealed
A €17m fund has been announced by the government to help businesses serving food to create more outdoor seating
Find out moreExtension to deadline for Annual Returns
The CRO have announced an extension to the deadline for companies
Find out moreTourism Business Continuity Scheme
A new €55m fund to assist tourism businesses that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic has been launched
Find out moreRevenue announce Extension to filing date for VAT Return of Trading De...
Filing date for RTD has been extended to 10 March 2021
Find out moreNew Eligibility Criteria for the EWSS Scheme
Businesses are advised to review their eligibility for the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme based on the new eligibility criteria
Find out moreGuide to the CRSS
A comprehensive guide to the COVID-19 Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS)
Find out moreWhat we know about the new COVID-19 Restrictions Support Scheme
New scheme announced in Budget 2021 offers up to €5,000 per week for businesses who are subject to significant COVID-19 restrictions
Find out moreEWSS payments brought forward
Revenue has brought forward the date of payment for the EWSS
Find out moreNew Apprenticeship Incentivisation Scheme for Employers
The Apprenticeship Incentivisation Scheme provides financial support for apprenticeship employers who take on apprentices on all national apprenticeship programmes
Find out moreEmployers’ Guide to the EWSS
A comprehensive guide to the new Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS)
Find out moreEnterprise Support Grant Now Open For Applications
The Government has announced that applications are open as of 14 August 2020 for the Enterprise Support Grant
Find out more5 Tax Measures from the July Stimulus
The July Stimulus package includes a range of measures to help businesses impacted by COVID-19
Find out moreAll About The New Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS)
The new Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme will come in to effect on 01 September 2020.
Find out more5 benefits of online accounting in a changing business climate
SMEs need an agile bookkeeping solution
Find out more10 things you need to know about the July Stimulus Package
The government have announced the July Stimulus Package - here's what you need to know ...
Find out moreManaging cashflow in a post-COVID-19 climate
Cahsflow has become even more challenging as a result of the coronavirus crisis.
Find out moreClient Stories: Bresnan’s Butchers
Patrick Bresnan shares his story about an eventful 12 months
Find out moreRevenue’s TWSS compliance programme – what employers need to know
Revenue have begun checks on employers that have received subsidy payments under the COVID-19 Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme
Find out moreGovernment announces new grant for the self employed to assist with re...
Once off grant of €1,000 available to eligible businesses
Find out moreCOVID-19 Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme – time to recheck your eligibil...
It's time to recheck if you are eligibility for the COVID-19 Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme
Find out moreClient Stories: Uniformal
Uniformal specialise in producing high quality uniform solutions but switched to producing masks
Find out moreTaxAssist Accountants Endorse National SME Recovery Plan
TaxAssist Accountants are backing a new initiative to help recover the small business sector.
Find out moreClient Stories: Himalaya Yoga Valley Cork
TaxAssist Client Himalaya Yoga Valley Cork have launched a new virtual studio online
Find out moreUpdate to the Wage Subsidy Scheme: Including those in receipt of benef...
Update to the COVID-19 Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme for employees returning to work following a period of maternity or other related leave
Find out moreCOVID-19 Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme extended
The COVID-19 Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme has been extended until August
Find out more3 ways to get receipts into your accountant during COVID-19
You can still send documents to your accountant during the COVID-19 pandemic
Find out moreRestart Grant for Small Businesses
Grant available for small businesses to help them reopening
Find out more7 reasons why you should shop locally in the post-coronavirus climate
Buying locally will become essential for local communities to continue to thrive
Find out moreTax Debt Warehousing: Parking of unpaid VAT & PAYE arrears
Government will legislate to allow Revenue to warehouse deferred tax debts associated with the COVID-19 crisis.
Find out moreTaxAssist Accountants launch national Small Business COVID-19 Impact S...
At TaxAssist Accountants we are collating the views of business owners to give a voice to those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
Find out moreNew Government Supports to help businesses as they plan to reopen
Government announces new supports to assist businesses as the plan to reopen the economy takes effect
Find out moreWage Subsidy Scheme Enters Operational Phase - Here's what you need to...
From 4th May the COVID-19 Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme administered by the Revenue Commissioners has moved into the operational phase.
Find out moreUpdate to Wage Subsidy scheme gives relief to employers who missed Feb...
Revenue have agreed to amend their definition of which employers can access the COVID-19 Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme
Find out more5 steps for preparing a Cashflow Forecast
Here are 5 steps to follow to help you start preparing a cashflow forecast
Find out moreChanges to the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme
Revenue have announced significant changes to the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme
Find out moreEmployers: Everything you need to know on COVID-19 Wage Subsidy
The new wage subsidy scheme announced this week will give some relief to employers who were struggling to figure out how they will pay staff over the coming weeks/months and are worried about retainin...
Find out moreSelf employed can access increased Illness or unemployment benefit
Payment for people who have lost their job as a result of the pandemic will increase from €203 to €350
Find out moreState to subsidise 70% of wages
The Government will help businesses financially affected by the Coronavirus crisis by paying 70% of the wages of workers up to a maximum of €410 per week.
Find out more3 reasons to file your 2019 tax return now
During the COVID-19 crisis your 2019 Tax Return will probably be one of the furthest things from your mind but it is more important now than ever to get your tax return done early.
Find out moreISME calls for liquidity to help small businesses
ISME has called on the Irish government to provide confidence about the availability of liquidity to small business
Find out moreEmployer claiming back COVID-19 payment- how to do this.
Details have been announced on the temporary refund scheme
Find out more5 potential steps to take if your business is facing challenges presen...
Here are some steps you may be able to take to protect your business during the COVID-19 crisis
Find out moreRead our expert answers to your COVID-19 questions
Can I still borrow money through a low cost COVID-19 Loan Scheme?
I run a small business and I would like to take out a business loan. Are there any low cost COVID-19 Loan Schemes still available or should I just go to my regular bank?
Find out moreAre there changes to the EWSS as a result of the new restrictions?
I have a small café with 2 employees and I am eligible for the Employment Wages Subsidy Scheme (EWSS). Have there been any changes announced to the scheme as a result of the new restrictions imposed o...
Find out moreDo I need to file additional monthly returns for the EWSS?
I am a small business with 2 employees and I have been claiming the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS). I want to continue to claim, but I hear that I now need to file additional monthly returns. I...
Find out moreCan I keep my staff on the EWSS?
I have 3 staff on the EWSS and I would like to keep them on it for as long as I can as I build my business back up. Am I ok to do this?
Find out moreWill I still qualify for the CRSS?
I am about to re-open my restaurant having been fully shut. Will I still qualify for the COVID-19 Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS)?
Find out moreHow is the Restart Grant taxed?
I am a sole-trader and I received a sum of money from the Restart Grant. How do I treat this for tax?
Find out moreWhat do I do if I owe money to Revenue from the Temporary Wage Subsidy...
I availed of the TWSS last year but I received more subsidy payments than I was entitled to. What do I do now?
Find out moreWhen can I apply for the Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (S...
I run a small business but did not qualify for CRSS. I hope to apply for the SBASC, when can I do this?
Find out moreWhat support schemes are available to people in the music industry?
I run a small music business and was wondering what COVID-19 supports are available to me?
Find out moreWill the COVID-19 Business Aid Scheme (CBAS) help me?
I haven’t been able to access any of the government schemes to date and I have just heard about a new one, might I qualify?
Find out moreWhat are my tax obligations if I was claiming the PUP?
I am a sole-trader but had to close my business and claim the PUP in 2020. Do I owe tax on these payments and how do I pay it?
Find out moreCan I pay my employees’ tax liability on the TWSS?
I run a small business with 3 employees. Can I pay their tax liability arising from the TWSS?
Find out moreHow much can I earn and still claim the PUP?
I am a self-employed musician and may get some once off gigs. How much can I earn before my PUP claim is affected?
Find out moreWhen can I register for CRSS?
I run a small business and am eligible for the COVID-19 Restrictions Support Scheme. When can I register?
Find out moreAre there more changes to the EWSS?
The delay in receiving payments under EWSS is causing me cashflow issues. Are there changes to when the subsidies are being paid?
Find out moreCan I defer my 2019 Income Tax bill?
I am a self-employed individual and due to COVID-19 I will struggle to pay my Income Tax bill this year, can I defer the payment?
Find out moreWhat are the changes to the PUP and EWSS?
Have the Pandemic Unemployment Payment and Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme been changed since level 5 restrictions were announced?
Find out moreHow will the reduction in the VAT rate affect me?
I run a business and am VAT registered. I see a lot of shops passing this reduction on to customers, do I need to do this?
Find out moreWhat are the changes to the Bike to Work Scheme and how can it benefit...
I was considering availing of the Bike to Work scheme for my employees. What are the recent changes and will it benefit my company?
Find out moreHow do I apply for the Restart Grant Plus?
I received money under the original restart grant but now I am eligible for a top-up payment. What do I need to do?
Find out moreWhat are the changes to the Restart Grant?
I run a B&B and was not eligible for the Restart Grant when it was first announced. Am I eligible now and how do I apply?
Find out moreCan I get a tax refund?
I read that under the July Stimulus package businesses and the self-employed that were profitable last year, but made a loss this year, may be able to get a tax refund. How does this work?
Find out moreHow do I remove my business from the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme?
My business was not as badly affected by COVID-19 as I thought and I need to remove myself from the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme, how do I do this?
Find out moreI heard tax credits are changing due to the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Sche...
I have employees on the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme and have heard their tax credits are now changing. What do I need to do?
Find out moreWill Revenue check my eligibility for the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme...
I have 2 employees and have been claiming the TWSS since March, will Revenue come back and check that I qualified for the scheme?
Find out moreHow do I close my Pandemic Unemployment Payment claim?
I am self-employed and was on the PUP. My business has reopened this week and I want to close my claim, how do I do this?
Find out moreHas the Pandemic Unemployment Payment been extended?
I was self-employed before the COVID-19 crisis but currently claiming PUP. My business won’t open again until later in the summer. Will I continue to receive this payment? Are there any changes?
Find out moreHas the CRO filing date for annual returns been extended?
I run a small company and my accounts are due to the CRO on 15 July. Given the current pandemic is there any leeway on this deadline?
Find out moreAm I eligible for the COVID-19 Restart Grant?
What are the eligibility criteria for the Restart Grant and when is the closing date for applications?
Find out moreHow can I get receipts to my accountant?
I want to file my 2020 tax return but I would rather not travel to my accountant to hand over receipts, what can I do?
Find out moreI have employees earning over €76k. How will the changes to the Wage S...
I am an employer with 2 employees who were earning over €76k per annum before the COVID-19 crisis. How will the changes to the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme affect me?
Find out moreI have employees earning between €38k & €76k. How will the changes to...
I am an employer with 3 employees all earning between €38k and €76k per annum. How will the changes to the Wage Subsidy Scheme affect me?
Find out moreI have employees earning under €38k. How will the changes to the Tempo...
I am an employer with 4 employees all earning under €38k per annum. Will the changes to the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme affect me?
Find out moreI would like professional help with my business due to the COVID-19 cr...
I run a small business and would like to pay a consultant to help with planning during this crisis. Can I apply for financial support to do this?
Find out moreWhat documents do I need when I am applying for a loan?
I am applying for a loan through the SBCI COVID-19 working capital loan scheme. What documents do I need to get ready?
Find out moreIs there financial support to get my business trading online?
I need to move my business online due to the COVID-19 outbreak, is there any scheme available to help me do this?
Find out moreHow do I calculate an employee’s weekly average earning?
I have registered for the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme and I need to calculate my employee’s average net weekly pay, how can I do this?
Find out moreDo company directors qualify for the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy scheme?
I am a director of a business and I pay myself 50k, can I qualify for the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy scheme as well as my staff?
Find out moreHow quickly will I get the money back from the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy s...
I have decided that I can continue to pay my staff for the next few months. If I pay my staff this week how long will it take before I receive reimbursement from the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy scheme?
Find out moreHow much is covered by the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme?
I have a medium sized business with a number of employees and am wondering how much of their wages will be covered by the Wage Subsidy Scheme?
Find out moreIf I use my rainy-day fund for a month’s wages will I qualify for the...
I have built up a small fund in my business bank account for a rainy day. It would cover me for one month’s wages but I want to make sure I have income to restart the business, will I still qualify?
Find out moreHow do I register for the COVID-19 wage subsidy scheme as an employer?
I want to register for the COVID-19 wage subsidy scheme, how do I this?
Find out moreWill I qualify for a refund if I continue to pay my staff more than th...
Due to the COVID-19 crisis I have had to temporarily lay off some of my staff. I am aware of the temporary refund scheme open to employers but will I qualify for the refund if I continue to pay my sta...
Find out moreI have had to shut my business but I have a new business loan due in a...
Where do I stand?
Find out moreHow do I apply for the Pandemic Unemployment Payment?
I run a small business by myself but I have closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. How do I apply for social welfare?
Find out moreI can't pay my latest VAT bill, what should I do?
I run a small restaurant and have ceased trading because if the COVID-19 outbreak. I am not able to pay my VAT bill, what should I do?
Find out moreCan I still file my tax return as normal?
I have everything ready to file my 2019 tax return. Can I still do this while continuing social distancing?
Find out more