One-third of Irish SMEs set to hire in 2015

Almost a third (30 per cent) of all SMEs in Ireland intend to expand and create employment opportunities at home in the next 12 months, according to Patricia Callan, head of the Ibec-affiliated Small Firms’ Association.

Fine Gael’s leader in the European Parliament, Sean Kelly has said Ireland must do more to ensure its small firms face fewer regulatory burdens to “foster a competitive business environment”.

Mr Kelly met with Patricia Callan at a high-level meeting of SME representatives from Ireland and European policymakers in Brussels and welcomed the news which suggests a returning confidence in the business sector.

However, Kelly also reinforced the importance of minimising the number of regulatory hurdles that threaten to stunt SME growth.

“The difficulties facing the sector include burdensome bureaucracy, a lack of financial credit or lending from financial institutions and over-rigorous public procurement procedures in Ireland,” said Kelly.

“We should aim to have less, not more, bureaucratic burdens on Irish SMEs than the rest of the EU.

“This would help make us more competitive and make life easier, and more profitable, for our SMEs.

“Creating a stronger, more innovative digital and ICT sector in Europe will also be key in reinforcing our future business potential.

“I have always said we need a more vibrant manufacturing sector in Europe, so we can make the goods we invent.”

Last updated: 31st December 2014