Athlone event aims to help boost small firms

The Small Firms Association (SFA) has announced that 31 Irish small businesses will be undertaking a masterclass event in Athlone after being shortlisted for awards.

Indeed, the firms will hear from several experts, while also being able to share ideas with other entrepreneurs.

Furthermore, each business will be going for the Overall Small Business of the Year 2013 award when a gala event is held in March, with individual categories - such as food & drink, services, outstanding small business - also up for grabs.

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny, TD, who is Patron of the Awards, explained that the event will celebrate the role these firms play in developing the Irish economy.

"Small businesses and entrepreneurs play a crucial and often underestimated role in our economy," he explained.

"The SFA National Small Business Awards enable us to reward and showcase Ireland's entrepreneurial talent I am confident that the talent and energy of Irish entrepreneurs highlighted through these awards will provide the basis for Ireland's re-emergence as a strong and successful economy."

Meanwhile, office supplier Viking found in a recent survey that a lack of customer demand is hindering small firms' progress.

Posted by Thomas Fletcher

Last updated: 21st January 2013